Commercial Cleaning Service Provider

“Empire Capitol Cleaning has been offering janitorial and cleaning services in the Greater Toronto Area since 2021. We are bonded & insured so our customers can feel free to deal with us.” -Roman Romanov

commercial cleaning toronto


What does it mean to be insured & bonded? It means that our cleaning technicians are fully insured and can work on any piece of property without worry of not being paid because there was a fire, flood or theft. Most commercial cleaning companies do not carry this type of insurance, so it is very important for us to insure our commercial cleaning technicians so that their employees are fully protected.


Commercial insurance is a must-have for anyone who owns or runs a business and wants to protect his business assets. It will guarantee that you are compensated in the case of theft or damage to your business property or your vehicle. This is why it’s crucial for you to purchase commercial insurance for all of your commercial needs such as car cleaning in Toronto.


Commercial Cleaning Toronto offers several types of services including window washing, carpet cleaning, office furniture refinishing, painting and ventilation. In addition, we also offer services such as snow removal, garden care, landscaping, pool maintenance, exterior lighting, and barbeque lighting. This is basically a one stop shop for all of your commercial cleaning needs. For more information on how to schedule an appointment with us please contact us at anytime.


As a commercial cleaning company, Empire Capitol Cleaning provides: residential customers with the best in residential carpet and rugs cleaning and commercial customers with the best in commercial carpet and rug cleaning. The company offers many different styles of commercial cleaning equipment including truck mounted carpet cleaners, portable vacuum systems, and wet/dry vacuums. This is a one stop shop for all of your cleaning needs. Commercial Cleaning Toronto offers fast and reliable service. We strive to exceed customer expectations and work each client like a client too. If you are in need of fast clean up services then call us.


Commercial Services Toronto has been offering professional commercial cleaning services for 20 years. The company prides itself in being a one stop shop for any type of cleaning needs you may have. The company strives to keep our clients satisfied by providing: quality customer service, expert knowledge, and quality products. If you have any special requests, we will work with you to make sure your needs are met.


When hiring a commercial cleaning service provider in Toronto, you will be able to rest assured knowing that your office is protected at all times. Most service providers have security guards on duty to ensure that your building remains safe. You may also choose from a variety of services including window cleaning, carpet cleaning, office cleaning, restaurant clean up, and more. Contact us for a free consultation to find out which of our commercial services best meets your needs. Professional service providers work hard to ensure that your business is always well kept. By choosing a reputable company,like a Capital Cleaning you can rest assured that your building is in good hands.


Commercial Cleaning Toronto is one of the most trusted names when it comes to commercial cleaning. The commercial cleaning experts at Commercial Cleaning Toronto will work to give your building a thorough cleaning that will leave you feeling satisfied. Most service providers offer a wide variety of services to meet any needs you may have. By working with a professional cleaning service provider in Toronto, you will not have to worry about the quality of your cleaning. Commercial Cleaning Toronto has been cleaning commercial premises for decades and continues to grow as one of the best companies to work with in the industry. If you are in need of commercial cleaning, contact us to learn more.